Residents move into their new affordable homes in Avonmouth

We are delighted that residents have moved into our new affordable homes development at Avonmouth.
There are 26 homes, made up of 18 flats and 8 houses, providing the opportunity for a home for people close to Bristol.
The development is a brownfield site, which means on a site previously used for industrial or commercial purposes.
Resident Stuart, who has recently moved in, was living in rented accommodation before moving to the scheme with his grandson Riley.
Born and bred in Avonmouth, he is thrilled with the home as moving in has made him feel like he’s coming home and getting it has massively improved his life.
LiveWest resident, Stuart Williams, said: “ I think it's a fantastic place. It’s very big inside, it’s very spacious. The central leading system seems to be fantastic. I'm just glad that I fell on my feet with this house.
“The experience of moving here has been fantastic, you’ve got a small garden here but that’s good enough for me at my age too.
“It gives me a good mindset and got me out of a bad place to where I was in and now I'm 100% feeling better than where I was for the last few years.”

The homes are built to a high Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) B and benefit from air source heat pumps, high thermal efficiency and PV panels. Find out more about our commitment to sustainability.
The location also provides accessible transport links to Bristol City Centre.
Gareth Jones, Development Director for LiveWest, said: “It’s been great welcoming the first residents to this fantastic development. It’s clear from the people we’ve spoken to, just what it means for them to have a new home.
“We’re committed to investing in communities and helping to meet the need for more affordable homes and we are delighted to be able to provide more homes in Bristol, where there is such strong housing need.”