Communal area in Truro Foyer

Truro Foyer provides accommodation for 13 young people aged 16-24 years. The accommodation is split across five shared flats, each with a communal living room and kitchen. All flats are fully furnished. Five of our homes are emergency accommodation for 16 and 17-year-olds. We also have a communal laundry, a communal lounge which includes a TV, PS4, WII, a drum kit and dart board, a training kitchen, offices, pool table.  

Our support team is based onsite with a concierge service from 5pm to 5am.

Referrals to the Foyer are via Cornwall Council’s Youth Homelessness Team.  

Truro Foyer is Ofsted registered and a member of Foyer Federation.  

  • Address: Truro Foyer, Lander Court, TR1 2NH 
  • Phone: 01872 277422
  • Team Manager –  
  • Team Leader –  
  • Housing Officer –  

Photos from Truro Foyer