What are Tenant Satisfaction Measures?
There are 22 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM’s).
- 12 customer perception measures: These show satisfaction with the services we provide, for example, how well we’ve kept communal areas clean and well maintained.
- 10 performance measures: These show what we have done, for example, how many complaints were dealt with on time.
These measures show us how we can improve and mean that customers, the Regulator of Social Housing, and others can hold us to account.
Find out more about the Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Take a look at what the Measures mean for you and why they are being introduced.
Health and safety
Proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out (this is a combined measure for our low-cost rented and low-cost homeownership homes)
Proportion of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out (this is a combined measure for our low-cost rented and low-cost homeownership homes)
Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out (this is a combined measure for our low-cost rented and low-cost homeownership homes)
Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out (this is a combined measure for our low-cost rented and low-cost homeownership homes)
Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out (this is a combined measure for our low-cost rented and low-cost homeownership homes)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their home is safe
Customer service
84.8% of our customers are satisfied with their overall experience
We have lots of projects underway to improve the things that matter most, such how quickly we can do repairs and the quality of communal areas. We are working closely with customers, and listen to feedback, surveys and complaints to understand where we need to do better. If you would like to get involved with this, you can find more information here.
76.8% of our customers are satisfied we listen to their views and act on them
Please visit our getting involved webpage for all the the latest news about this.
44.7% of our customers are satisfied with how we handle complaints
We have made a number of changes to improve our complaint handling over the year and have updated our policy and procedures. We are focussing on how quickly and how well colleagues respond to complaints and have reorganised our Service Improvement team to do this.
83.1% of our customers are satisfied we keep them informed on the things that matter
89% of our customers agree we treat tenants fairly and with respect
92.4% of our stage one complaints were responded to within the target timescale
89.9% of our stage two complaints were responded to within the target timescale
We have 41.3 stage one complaints for every 1,000 of our homes
We have 9.1 stage two complaints for every 1,000 of our homes
We have made a number of changes to improve our complaint handling over the year, updating our policy and procedures. We are recruiting customers to a complaints working group that will hold us to account and scrutinise our complaint handling. Using feedback from customers, we have plans in place to provide more training to colleagues.
Your neighbourhood
77.6% of our customers are satisfied we make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods
We restructured the Community Investment team in April 2024 to focus on working with customers to improve the local environment, tackle anti-social behaviour and make LiveWest neighbourhoods great places to live. You can read more about what we do here.
70.8% of our customers are satisfied with our approach to anti-social behaviour
We have 23.2 anti-social behaviour cases for every 1,000 of our homes
We have 0.5 anti-social behaviour cases involving hate crime incidents for every 1,000 of our homes
Repairs and maintenance
80.7% of our customers are satisfied with repairs
We have been working with colleagues and customers on a project to improve our processes, repairs systems and efficiency. Our aim is to reduce waiting times and improve customer satisfaction. We are currently planning how we can better communicate with customers who need complex repairs to their home that may involve several trades.
84% of our customers are satisfied their home is well maintained
74.3% of our customers are satisfied with the time it took to complete their most recent repair
We have a plan in place to reduce the time it takes for us to complete repairs which includes recruiting additional tradespeople and planning for busy winter periods.
68.7% of our customers are satisfied that we keep communal areas clean and well maintained
We have an estates action plan in place. We have recruited more resident Estate Champions and use their feedback to improve the service. Learn more about our Estate Champions. We have recruited new cleaning and grounds maintenance contractors this year, with a focus on quality. If you live in a block, you will have weekly visits from our Estate Safety team who will quickly report any quality issues that they spot.
63.7% of non-emergency repairs are completed in target timescale
We have a plan in place to reduce the time it takes for us to complete repairs which includes recruiting additional tradespeople and planning for busy winter periods.
98.4% of emergency repairs completed in target timescale
We have a plan in place to reduce the time it takes for us to complete repairs which includes recruiting additional tradespeople and planning for busy winter periods.
100% of our homes meet the Decent Homes Standard
Other ways to give your feedback
There are plenty of other ways you can give your feedback about the service you have received. Your feedback is used to help improve the way we do things for customers.
Get involved with our customer groups
Give a compliment, complaint or general feedback
About our surveys and research
We carry out surveys every month and the performance figures are based on a sample of responses. We receive replies from over 2,300 customers a year about their overall satisfaction with our services, their home, their neighbourhood and that we listen to their views. We also ask a sample of customers who have recently experienced a service for their feedback – for example over 2,000 replies from customers about their last repair, over 650 regarding moving in to a home, over 670 responses about our complaints service, and over 4,300 responses about our customer service centre.