28 February 2023 All 28 new homes occupied at a 100% affordable housing development in Cornwall Developing affordable homes in areas where there is a chronic need for housing is a priority for us and the Blackwater development is a great example of meeting local need.
17 February 2023 Caring for your pet and the planet: How to be an eco-friendly pet owner Our five top tips for sustainable pet care.
15 February 2023 Rewilding project gets underway with the support of community volunteers Wildflowers are being planted in Kingsbridge on a steep bank to improve biodiversity in the area.
10 February 2023 Claire takes career change to achieve dream of becoming an electrician As part of National Apprenticeship Week, Claire Humphries talks about her career and what led her to join LiveWest as a trades apprentice.
9 February 2023 Fin achieves more than he thought possible through an apprenticeship Our apprentice Fin backs National Apprenticeship Week which aims to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses, and the wider economy.
7 February 2023 Former Royal Navy specialist Georgia relishing her apprentice Gas Engineer role As we celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, our apprentice Georgia explains how she is achieving her career ambitions thanks to an apprenticeship with LiveWest.
7 February 2023 Hosanna moves up the career ladder thanks to an apprenticeship with us By doing an apprenticeship alongside her job, it has given Hosanna the opportunity to reach her goals.
6 February 2023 Helping to develop careers through our apprenticeship programme During National Apprenticeship Week we are shining the spotlight on our talented apprentices who are gaining invaluable skills while earning a good wage.
6 February 2023 Lauren overjoyed as hard work pays off as she gains a degree through an apprenticeship Our apprentice Lauren shares how an apprenticeship benefitted her in getting qualifications.
1 February 2023 We are improving our repairs service Our new tool will help us solve customers’ repairs quicker