17 May 2023

We want to understand our customers’ needs better

To help us provide the best service possible, it’s important we understand our customers’ and their needs.
LiveWest colleague speaking to a customer in their home.

As part of our commitment to be customer focused, we want to know our customers better. This can help us to understand any barriers they may face when accessing our services, so we can respond in a supportive way.

In some cases we do not have the information we need to be able to tailor our services to meet our customers’ needs when this is most required. We want this to change. So, we have started a campaign to improve our customer records.

What information will we be collecting?

Our aim is to have a complete record of our customers’ ethnicity and any support needs they may have. Support needs are usually because of a long-term illness or disability and provide a useful record of the tasks customers may need support with, in order to access our services fairly. For example, if customers have problems moving around, knowing this will tell us that they may need longer to answer the door if we visit their home. 

How will we collect this information?

If we are missing this important information you may receive an email from us asking you to provide this or we may ask you when you are speaking to one of our LiveWest team members.

This means you do not need to get in touch with us to provide this information, unless you would particularly like to do so.