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A home for everyone
24 April 2023

Volunteers create growing area to support children’s wellbeing at school

Our colleagues volunteered at a primary school in Plymouth to improve the outdoor space and upgrade the playhouse for the pupils to enjoy.
Mary Dean CE Primary School

Mary Dean’s CE Primary School in Plymouth gets a revamp as volunteers make an outdoor play space for the pupils to enjoy.

LiveWest volunteers helped create a new growing area for Early Years children and upgraded their playhouse to make it a colourful and cosy reading space. They painted the little house, installed perspex windows, a carpet, and a rug.  

The outdoor space was enhanced by installing a large, raised bed and reclaiming another raised bed, giving Early Years children the chance to grow vegetables and flowers. Both areas will support the wellbeing of the children and make sure there is somewhere outside where both staff and children can make the most of being in the environment.

We worked in partnership with our supplier, Jewson Partnership Solutions that through social value, donated £300 worth of materials and supplied a volunteer for the day James Chambers, Partnership Account Manager.

Alison Knight, our Community Connector, said: “It has been a real pleasure to collaborate with staff from Mary Dean’s and create this amazing space for the children. We hope having this lovely outside growing and play area will boost the children’s health and wellbeing. 

“It is very satisfying to make a difference in the communities where LiveWest has homes. Thanks to our LiveWest colleagues who came out to help make this happen.”

Mary Dean CE Primary School

Volunteers spent the day making a raised bed, clearing, and reclaiming another raised bed, planting pots, sanding and painting, installing windows and carpet in the playhouse as well as clearing weeds and brambles from the garden. The raised beds have been topped up with topsoil and have been left for the young children to plant.  

LiveWest offers staff volunteering days every year to help benefit people and projects in the local community. It is an opportunity for colleagues to get involved in a project that benefits local communities as well as providing a health and wellbeing boost.

Donna Wilson, Head Teacher at Mary Dean’s CE Primary School, said: “A huge thank you to Alison, Shelley and the LiveWest team for their efforts in supporting the school with this project. The children are going to really enjoy using their new outside play area. What a difference a day makes.”

James Chambers, Jewson Partnership Solutions Account Manager for the South West, said: “Supporting the local communities in which we live and work is so important to Jewson Partnership Solutions. That’s why we were delighted to be able to support Mary Dean C of E Primary School by donating materials for the raised flower beds and the upgrade of their Wendy House. We hope the new reading area will bring joy to the children at the school for many years to come.”

Helen Thomas, Grants Officer at LiveWest, said: “We work with our suppliers and contractors through our social value programme to broker support for projects that provide benefits to our customers and communities.

“Jewson Partnership Solutions were quick to understand the practical needs of this project and how it would provide a positive impact for the children and community. They were able to offer support with materials to create the growing space and upgrade the play area as well as providing an additional volunteer to help on the day.”

Mary Dean CE Primary School planting