Customer Announcement
Please use our customer portal for non-emergency repairs.

Our Customer Service Team are currently experiencing a high volume of calls due to the weather conditions. We are working to get through to you all as soon as possible. Please use our customer portal to report non-emergency repairs.

A home for everyone
19 March 2020

Supporting you with aids and adaptations in your home

We have a dedicated Aids and adaptations team who can provide minor adaptations to your home.
Aids and adaptations to your home

We understand that some of our customers may struggle with aspects of daily living such as getting in and out of their home, bathing or simply turning on a tap.

We are committed to supporting our customers who are older and/or living with disabilities to enable them to remain in their home and live as independently as possible. Our dedicated Aids and Adaptations team can help you by providing minor adaptations to make things a little easier or put you in touch with other organisations who can help.

We offer minor adaptations to our customers such as lever taps, rails/handles, hearing/visual aids, etc. These are simple yet effective pieces of equipment which can make the world of difference.

If you think we could help you, please click here to apply for a minor adaptation.

Alternatively, if you have any questions contact our Customer services team or email us at

If you require a major adaptation such as a level access shower, stair lift, ramp, etc, an assessment will need to be carried out by an Occupational Therapist. The work will then be funded and arranged by the local authority via a Disabled Facilities Grant following a means test (sometimes our customers may be asked to provide a financial contribution).

We will, as with all improvements to our properties, review the proposed works and provide landlords permission for the work to go ahead.

If you would like further information on this process, please contact us.