11 September 2024

Savings tips and advice

Building up your savings can go a long way. Find out more including where you can build up your savings.
Someone putting money in a piggy bank.

Having some money saved away can help in so many ways, whether it is to help manage with an unexpected bill or expense, to treat yourself to something, or just to give yourself peace of mind. 

It isn’t always easy to save, but even a little can go a long way.

Why save? 

A simple ABC of the benefits of saving are: 

  • Always having something set aside for life’s emergencies or the unexpected. Whether it’s a broken-down fridge, redundancy or failed car MOT, life has a habit of catching us out when we least expect it. Savings can help to make tricky times a little easier. 
  • Being able to buy bigger items outright. We all have to make major purchases from time to time, from costly car parts to laptops or new furniture. With money in the pot to buy these or other items, you will avoid having to turn to credit to purchase them, helping to keep your borrowing under control.
  • Christmas and other special occasions made easier. The great thing about savings is that you can use them for special days as well as rainy ones! Perhaps you’ve got a holiday, milestone birthday or big Christmas celebration in the pipeline.

How can you save? 

Support from LiveWest

If you need financial help or support, our Tenancy Sustainment team may be able to help you. You can also visit the cost of living section on our website, or our be money ready advice pages

Image: Shutterstock/Krakenimages.com