22 September 2021

Providing feedback about LiveWest

Over the next few weeks, the Institute of Customer Service will be emailing some of our customers to ask for feedback about LiveWest. We appreciate all the feedback we receive and want to share with you what we learned from our most recent survey in March
livewest office

Twice a year, we work with the Institute of Customer Service (ICS) to ask our customers about their recent experiences with us.

Understandably, it has been a challenging 18 months for many of us. At times, lockdown forced us to reduce our services, and we recognise that these changes may have impacted the level of services you have experienced.

In March, 699 customers took part in an online survey with these challenges in mind. 

From your responses, we learned how we can deliver even better services. For a look at how our March results fit into our quarterly performance, please check out our June 2021 customer report at this link.

How did our performance compare?

ICS independently ranks us against more than 250 organisations based on our performance. LiveWest received a total performance score of 72.2 out of 100. This score is higher than the average performance score of other housing associations.

LiveWest received a total performance score of 72.2 out of 100. This score is higher than the average performance score of other housing associations.

How did customers score us in March?




Other housing associations

Local public services



out of 10



this measures the quality of your interactions with LiveWest

Responding to problems


out of 10



this measures how LiveWest responds to and deals with problems, such as repairs

Customer ethos


out of 10



this measures how well LiveWest builds the experience to meet your needs and show you we care

Emotional connection


out of 10



this measures how well LiveWest makes you feel reassured



out of 10



this measures our reputation, openness and transparency


Where did we do best?

Helpfulness of staff

Competence of staff

Ability to interact with the organisation in the way you prefer




How were other housing associations scored?





How many of our customers would recommend us?


     More than 5 in 10 customers would recommend LiveWest to friends and relatives.

More than 5 in 10 customers would recommend LiveWest to friends and relatives.

Local public services

     More than 4 in 10 people would recommend their local public services to friends and relatives.

More than 4 in 10 people would recommend their local public services to friends and relatives.

UK all sector average   Across all sectors, more than 4 in 10 people would recommend a UK company to friends and relatives.

Across all sectors, more than 4 in 10 people would recommend a UK company to friends and relatives.

key for above diagrams

Want to have your say?

On 22 September, ICS will be emailing 5,000 randomly chosen customers to take part in an online survey. The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes. If you receive an email from ICS, be sure to have your say before 12 October. Your feedback will help drive improvements across LiveWest.

How we protect customers' personal information

Customers’ responses to ICS are completely confidential. We do not include any information in our reports that could personally identify an individual, so you can feel free to be completely honest with your feedback. Your responses will also be combined with many other customer responses to help us understand the opinions of different groups.


If you have any further questions about this survey, please email the Research and Insight team on surveys@livewest.co.uk. Alternatively, you can call the Customer Services team who would be happy to put you through to a member of the Research and Insight team.