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A home for everyone
1 October 2020

Our support for young people praised after winning TPAS Awards

The wide range of opportunities we provide for young people and our success in engagement has been recognised at prestigious award ceremony
Supporting young people

We are thrilled to have won the Excellence in Engagement in Support and Care category at this year’s TPAS Awards.

The award recognised supported housing and/or care providers that are successful engaging with or involving their service users.

The awards judging panel were keen to hear from providers who have created innovative, practical but ultimately person-centred approached/projects to engage positively with people to support them in various stages or aspects of their lives.

Our submission talked about our youth offer and approach to engagement with young people living in our supported accommodation. It showcased the wide range of opportunities and activities that build trusting relationships as well as COMPASS. 

COMPASS is our evidence based tool for supporting an individual’s journey and measuring their progress over a period of time. 

We also gave an outline of how we use customer insights in a coordinated and structured way to help us gain a clearer understanding of young people’s strengths, needs, behaviours and aspirations.

It was great to be able to talk about how we help young people get access to opportunities that identify, coach and promote their skills, connecting them into education, training and employment pathways.

After being crowned the winner, judges commented that: “LiveWest has a holistic approach that entices others to get involved and overall a brilliant project that engages and supports adults and is unique in its outlook.”

Our Young Person Service Development Manager, Jenny Endean, said: “Winning the award was an amazing feeling, we still can’t quite believe it. 

“To be recognised nationally for our investment in young people, both on an organisational and individual level, is brilliant and a testament to all our colleagues who work both on the frontline and behind the scenes to ensure we create inspirational opportunities and environments that support young people to fulfil their dreams.”

The award follows hot on the heels of a number of exam and employment successes achieved by young people in our foyers across the region.

In our Cornwall Foyers, two young people have gone on to start A levels and three have secured a place at university for degree courses while one young person has secured employment in Primark.

Jenny Endean: “Far too long the conversation around young people, particularly those in supported housing has focused on the negatives, which often overshadows the positive that can be seen throughout our communities. 

“It’s great to see these achievements which is a tribute to the resilience and talents of young people and is a great reminder why our services are vital to ensure young people have every opportunity to pursue their ambitions.”