10 February 2020

Josh's apprenticeship starts the next chapter in his life

Josh applied to become an apprentice at 26 as a Building and Maintenance Operative.
Josh Easterbrook LiveWest apprentice

Are you thinking about applying for an apprenticeship?

We sat down with Joshua Easterbook, Building and Maintenance Operative Apprentice and spoke to him about his experience as a LiveWest apprentice. Read on to find out more.

Josh said: ''I was studying carpentry at South Devon College and my tutor highlighted there were apprentice vacancies coming up. I applied, went through the process and got the job.

''I found it easy to settle in at LiveWest. The guy I am working with is very good and very knowledgeable. He passes on everything he knows, and it has been a really supportive settling in period.

''I have been job shadowing, learning lots and now getting hands on with the tools.

''From day one, we have had good contact and support. Supervisors are always at the other end of the emails, whenever we need it and they have given us all a helping hand each step of the way.

''I wish I had applied for an apprenticeship when I was younger, its a great chance to learn something new - so do it.

''I am 25, and was made redundant so my apprenticeship has been whole new chapter for me. It doesn’t matter what age you are - give it a go because it is always good to learn something new.

''In the future, I would love a full-time position as a Multi-Skilled Technician here at at the moment I just want to get better at what I am doing right now and achieve even more.''