1 February 2019

Hear from our Resident & Community Investment lead #AnyoneAnywhere

Vicky James, Head of Resident and Community Investment at LiveWest gives us an insight into the importance of partnership work in tackling social isolation in the housing industry.
Vicky James

Social isolation can happen to anyone, anywhere. Many people automatically assume that isolation only occurs in older people, however we are raising awareness that isolation doesn’t discriminate and can actually affect anyone.

Perhaps you have witnessed someone becoming more withdrawn, maybe they are being bulled at school or work. Or maybe, you are someone who has recently been widowed after being a long-term carer and don’t know how to re-establish the links that have been lost. Or maybe, you have a newborn and are a stay-at-home parent.  

Isolation can creep up on you, leaving you feeling lost and alone. Humans are hardwired to interact with others and this is especially needed in times of stress. Navigating through this journey alone can cause anxiety and hinder the recovery process, according to a study by Psychology Today¹.

At LiveWest, we know how important interactions are to people and the benefits of a healthy support network, which is why our partnership work with other organisations, who can deliver local services, is so vital. We work hard to signpost our customers to groups and programmes which they can relate to. We do this through working with companies such as British Red Cross, who help people reignite their passions, refer customers to Active Plus where they can regain their confidence and invest in our communities to create a thriving place to live.

Keep an eye out for more of our real-life stories by following our social isolation campaign #AnyoneAnywhere on our social channels.

¹Psychology Today, 2016 (The Perils of Social Isolation)