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A home for everyone
16 November 2021

Hardworking Ralph cleans up the streets of his community

He has been acknowledged with our Community Stars award for the positive difference he is making
Ralph Abson

A kind-hearted Tavistock man has been recognised with a Community Stars award for his tireless efforts in keeping the streets clean. 

Ralph Abson has been going out on his scooter regularly filling plastic bottles around Greenlands and Torlands with poo bags and putting them on popular walking routes or footpaths. 

If people have forgotten to bring one and needed to use them, they could pick up after their dog with a communal one instead.

Ralph, who has learning difficulties so has carer support, wanted to give back to his community and do something for others. Although he started it last year, this is something he has continued to do because it has made such a difference.

Ralph said: “I’m really pleased to have won - it’s made me very happy.”

“I wanted to do it to try and help people who can’t really afford an awful lot to get by and also to protect the kids in the street because no one wants to step in it. But also, as a safety thing as I’m aware you can catch diseases from it.”

Ralph’s hard work has been rewarded with our Community Stars award in our latest round of achievements applauding those people who have gone above and beyond to support their communities.

Ralph added: “I wish all dog owners were responsible and picked up after their dogs, at least now in Greenlands if someone has forgotten a poo bag, they can use a communal one.”

Despite some setbacks of young people throwing the bags around and people taking more than their fair share, Ralph has carried on leaving bags out and people have noticed the difference it has made. 

The area is much cleaner and means that children are less likely to step in it on their way to school.

LiveWest’s community connector, Alison Knight, nominated Ralph for the award and gave him some additional bags so he could keep going out.

To help Ralph continue to fund the bags, she has also been liaising with Councillor Debo Sellis, from Devon County Council and West Devon Borough Council, who has agreed to fund £100 for dog poo bags out of the locality budget.

Alison said: “Ralph was delighted to receive the award and said he would like to inspire other people to make a difference in their community.

“He spent some of his £50 voucher on poo bags so he could carry on volunteering. He now wants to also help stop littering in the main Tavistock Park, The Meadows.

“For me, this also illustrates that everyone has a part to play in their local communities and can make a difference if they want to.

"Ralph has fantastic community spirit and deserves to be recognised for this work, so I’m very pleased for him.”

If you would like to nominate a Community Star for the next round of awards, please head to: