7 June 2024

Free water saving devices from your water supplier!

From LeakyLoo Detectors to Hair Catchers – find out what free devices you can claim to help you save water in your home!
tap regulator

Did you know that even though most of our planet is made up of water, a tiny percentage of that is fit for human use? This means it is important we protect what is left by keeping our water usage at home to as low of a level as possible. 

Lots of our every-day activities involve the use of water, maybe more than you realise. It is easy to take safe drinking water for granted, but we must take the necessary steps to manage the amount we are using. There are many things we can do to reduce this ourselves. You can find more information on what you can do at home to save water here:

You may be following these tips already, to go one step further and reduce bills some more, the water suppliers for the regions LiveWest homes cover, offer their customers free devices to help you keep your water usage down.

Get Water Fit

South West Water and Severn Trent have teamed up with Get Water Fit where customers can claim a range of free water-saving devices. These include shower regulators, shower timers, Bufaloo strips, and LeakyLoo detectors. South West Water are also offering to detect leaks in their customers’ homes and fixing them free of charge!

Similarly, customers of Wessex Water can sign up to the GetWaterFit tool to claim water waste devices on behalf of Save Water Save Money. Choose from a sink strainer or a hair catcher to avoid drain blockages, or a gunkpot for waste fats!

Save Water Save Money

If you are a customer of Bristol Water, you will be able to take advantage of the Save Water Save Money scheme to claim your LeakyLoo detection strips, a shower regulator or timer, some plant water saving gel, or a Bufaloo cistern bag to save water when flushing!

Have you tried a water meter?

You may also benefit from a water meter. If there are as many or more bedrooms than people in your house, there is a good chance you will save money by having a water meter installed. Try using the water meter calculator to find out if it might work for you.

You can access your free water saving devices from your supplier’s website – you may need your login details or some household details but that’s all. You will also be able to find additional support from your provider here. There is no shame in reaching out for support with your bills if you need it. 

Bristol Water
South West Water
Wessex Water
Severn Trent Water