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A home for everyone
27 April 2021

Day in the life of a Homeownership and Commercial Officer

Ali Pennicott, who supports a range of customers, documents one of her days working for LiveWest
Ali Pendicott

8am – I log on and catch up on emails from the previous evening.

9am - I call the scheme managers at our independent living schemes to touch base and check everything is okay.  One Scheme manager reported that a resident wants to sublet their apartment.  This is not allowed under the terms of the lease.  I pass this information to the scheme manager who will speak to the resident and let them know.  They can, of course, call me direct to discuss.  

9.45am -  I start my service calls to shared owners. We are going through the process of calling all our shared owners to chat about their satisfaction levels with our service offer and to see if we can help with any outstanding queries they may have. One customer wants further information on their service charge and what it covers. I send a copy of the budget by email and offered the opportunity to discuss further.  

10.45am - I prepare a Certificate of Compliance further to a request from a solicitor. This involves checking the lease and the title restriction to ensure all requirements have been met. This document is required as part of the sale of a shared ownership property.  
A call has come in from my scheme manager at one of the retirement schemes to let me know the warden call system has failed. Tunstall is informed and an emergency purchase order is raised for the works to be carried out this afternoon.  

11.30am - I log into the Land Registry website to request a copy of a lease to check restrictions as a customer has asked for permission to install a satellite dish. We need to check if this is permitted and where it can go. I contact the resident to confirm that this is okay.  

12.30 – lunch

1pm – I have an LPE1 form to complete. This is a standard legal form that we complete for all sales which gives the solicitors information relating to the lease, service charge budget, accounts, fire risk assessments and general property information.  

2pm – I prepare a stage 1 Section 20 consultation letter for major works. One of the lifts in an independent living scheme needs refurbishment. The cost is for the leaseholders to pay from the sinking fund and we have a legal obligation to carry out a Section 20 consultation for any works that will cost over £250 per property.  If this is not done correctly, LiveWest could be liable for the costs of the works.  

3pm – A shared owner has reported some anti-social behaviour from a rented neighbour and is quite distressed. I call the customer to discuss and agree that I will send them diary sheets and I also signpost them to the noise app. I explain that we need evidence in order for us to carry out any action if it is appropriate to do so. What seems like ASB to a customer may be a lifestyle issue that can be resolved between the neighbours. I diarise to call the customer in two weeks to see how the situation is going and if any further incidents have occurred and, if so, I will also involve the housing officer who deals with the rented property.  

3.45pm - The fire safety officer has raised concerns about items being stored in a communal cupboard in a hallway in a block of flats.  I will write to the customer and ask them to remove and will diarise a visit to check in a weeks’ time.  

4.30pm – I have a final check of emails and log off for the day. 

The work we do is varied and you never know what you will be faced with in the next email or phone call. It can range from someone wanting permission for a pet, parking issues, ASB, urgent repairs  or a call from a solicitor needing urgent information in order for a sale to complete.  Each day is different which is what I love about my role.  

Not sure who your Homeownership Officer is and how to contact them? Find out here.