2 October 2020

Could you help to make your community look beautiful and improve our services?

Find out how to become an Estate Services Champion
Take an Estate Services Champion Survey

If you think you could help your community in this way, then sign up to become an Estate Services Champion.

What is an Estate Services Champion?

Our Estate Services Champions work with us and give feedback on how our grounds maintenance, communal cleaning and communal fire alarm contractors are performing. 
This feedback is shared with us and the results are passed onto our Estate Services team who follow this up.

How long does it take?

The role is very easy. We will let you know when it’s time to review your area. Then take five minutes each month to complete a short online survey to tell us about how your community looks.

Who can sign up to become an Estate Services Champion?

You must be a LiveWest customer in order to become an Estate Services Champion.


What is it like to be an Estate Services Champion?

Michelle, a LiveWest Estate Services Champion said: “Being part of the Estate Services Champion programme has been so beneficial. The information provided by LiveWest colleagues is clear and completing the form each month is quick and easy to do. There is even picture guidance advice about what to look for. I complete the report at the beginning of the month, and I even get a reminder to do it. Anything I have reported has been managed quickly too. I've established a such good relationship with LiveWest through this, and my local community has really benefited as a result. Big win!”

How do I get involved?

We would love to have Estate Service Champions in all our communities.
To find out more and sign up to be an Estate Services Champion email yourviews@livewest.co.uk