A home for everyone
12 March 2025

Complaint learning: No access repairs

We are continuously getting feedback from our customers and fixing things that are identified.
Trades colleagues at a customer's door

We are continuously getting feedback from our customers and fixing things that are identified. This report explores no access repairs and what we can do to make sure your repairs are carried out at the scheduled times. Below are some things we have identified and our actions to improve.

What you said:

  • I am anxious about my appointment and someone coming to my home.
  • I made an appointment when I reported my repair, but I might not be able to make it.
  • It is not convenient for me to call you about my repair.
  • It is taking too long to resolve my repair.
  • You have not explained what happens next if I am unable to keep my appointments.

What we found:

  • There are many reasons why you might not be able to be home for an appointment and our appointment system could be more flexible.
  • There are several different ways that you can contact us about your repair but you might not be aware of all of the options available.
  • We record your support needs when you let us know about them but we do not always know whether these will have an impact on your appointments.
  • When you let us know that you have changed your contact details and have already raised a repair, your new details do not always transfer over to your appointment.
  • We have not always been able to reassure you that our planned repair will resolve the problem you are reporting.
  • We could be clearer with you about any formal action that we might need to take if we are not able to access your home to complete a repair.

What have we done?

  • Introduced more flexibility within our appointments service so that you can choose an appointment slot that works for you.
  • Promoted our customer portal through our website and social media to let you know that you can easily view and manage your appointments if you have online access.
  • Developed a new repair tracking tool for some repairs that will keep you updated by mobile phone on what time we will arrive at your home to carry out a repair.
  • Improved how we manage our health and safety repairs and are trialling an automated approach to issuing letters following appointments where we have not been able to access your home.
  • Set out what we are responsible for and what we expect from you in a 'Customer Promise' and our ‘Repairs Service Standard’.
  • Continuing to review a more flexible approach to how we deliver our services and manage more complex repairs.
  • Introduced a process to help us keep track of any repairs actions agreed with you following a complaint.

We will:

If you need to contact us about a repair we will:

  • Be clear about which repairs you are responsible for.
  • Provide you with the option of booking certain repair appointments online.
  • Aim to provide appointments within 28 days for most routine repairs and will let you know if a LiveWest colleague or a contractor will be attending.
  • Diagnose repairs using video calling where we can, if this option works for you.
  • Try to complete repairs in one visit. When this is not possible, we will agree a follow on appointment with you before leaving your home.
  • Confirm in advance how long we expect a repair to take, and you will be contacted by us before a colleague arrives to complete the repair.
  • Agree appointments with you if we or our contractors need to visit for larger repairs.

If we need to arrange a repair to resolve your complaint we will:

  • Agree communication arrangements with you for the duration of your complaint
  • Discuss this with you and explain why your repair is needed and how long it might take
  • Let you know how your repair is going to be managed within our response to your complaint, if this is something that is still ongoing
  • Continue to track your repair and stay in contact with you when we close your complaint.
  • Explain the formal action that we might need to take if we are unable to access your home.