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A home for everyone
30 December 2021

Celebrating young people’s achievements this year through our housing project

Despite some difficult challenges, it hasn't prevented them from achieving success at Torbay Foyer
Activities Consultation

Our young people at Torbay Foyer are celebrating a busy and successful year of achievements.

The supported housing scheme, which helps young people between 16 and 25 who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless, has had a great year. 

Despite the challenges faced by many young people, this hasn’t prevented them from achieving success with the support and guidance from the staff. 

For those doing training and employment, 11 of the Foyer’s 20 residents are taking part or have completed some form of accredited training and nine residents have found work.  

Janice Stewart, Training and Employment Development Worker, said: “We’ve had a really great year which has been full of so many different activities and we’re proud of our young people’s achievements. 

“Residents have learnt new skills and been pushed out of their comfort zone.“

Following a consultation with residents, a collaboration with the Prince’s Trust doing evening and Saturday workshops went very well. Residents got stuck into the program which delivered a mix of activities including an art project, gardening, snooker and games night.

Pool Table

As well as this, the Foyer has organised and been involved in a variety of events. This has included in-house activities and workshops.

The Eddystone Trust, the sexual health charity, are currently delivering healthy relationship training to residents.  

The Foyer worked in partnership with Torbay Youth Trust and the Apricot Centre and young people have taken part in a forest skills course to promote self-esteem, personal growth and team-building skills.  

Forest SkillsGardening

Janice added: “The Foyer and The Youth Trust got together with residents to facilitate a Back Yard nature project where we met throughout the summer in the courtyard, cooked, enjoyed food together and planted tomatoes, which were delicious.”

Following a successful tender process, Torbay Council gave the social housing provider a three-year contract to carry on developing the service at the foyer with the option of a further two years.

The new contract, which started in April 21, means LiveWest will be able to support a further three young people on top of the 20 young people currently living at the Foyer.

The Foyer had big success and were very proud of our residents at the Room for Young People awards with Mitch Snell winning an award.

Mitch Snell

Janice added: “This year we were proud to see our resident Mitch Snell win a Room for Young People Award at the annual national award ceremony in Birmingham. Mitch won the best newcomer award and said he felt like he was at the Oscars when he received his award!

The ceremony recognises the positive stories and impact young people, and services are having across the nation.

Mitch said: “I am thrilled that my progress is being recognised and I have been able to get back on track.

“I was in a tough situation and didn’t really have anywhere else to go. But since coming to the Foyer, everything has got better for me.”

Sound Communities, who support young people to develop personal and employability skills, have worked with a group of our young people to record a podcast.  

His ability was recognised by the station after they partnered with LiveWest on a project to help young people in the supported accommodation thrive.

Mitch added: “I have been doing a qualification in podcasting and Sound Communities were so impressed by my lyrics writing, they have said I can do some voluntary work which could lead on to me being trained as a youth worker.”

Everyone is gearing up for New Year at the Foyer with festivities in full swing. 

It has a timetable of activities, including a Christmas party, cookery and craft workshops for residents to make cards and gifts for their friends and family.