19 November 2018

Budding young artists transform play area

The young residents of Seaward Way, Minehead, showed their creative talent in a recent activity to help add a splash of colour to the area where they live which was in need of a facelift.
Minehead artwork

Despite the very cold and windy conditions, a large number of residents came out to decorate the boards, which surrounded the MUGA. The MUGA is owned by Magna Housing, who kindly did all the preparatory works to the boards prior to the painting session.

After the artists had finished their creations the boards were varnished to help preserve the artwork for all weathers. LiveWest has worked in partnership with Magna in this community over the last year to reinvigorate the area and this is an example of a great way to engage with the people living in the area.


Shona Stone, LiveWest’s Community Empowerment Officer, who was there helping throughout the day, said: “It was great to see so many residents come out and get involved with this project.  We were overwhelmed with the numbers attending which was lovely to see.”

Clare Porter, Housing Officer at LiveWest, who popped along to support said: “I attended to support Shona with the painting session and to build relationships with the children and their parents.

“I was really inspired to see such a popular activity making great use of the space. Following on from the hugely successful skip day in the summer, it was good to work with the LiveWest and Magna residents again. Bringing communities together is such an important piece of work we do here at LiveWest.”

By adding their own stamp on the local community the artists felt really positive about the contribution they had made. Even after the painting had finished residents were still coming along hoping to join in and to admire the artwork that had been created.

This activity is part of a larger project taking place in this community which aims to provide sustainable community events run by the local residents. We look forward to sharing more with you in the future.