10 December 2019

Blooming beautiful results as customers get involved with Clean Our Patch

A great community clean up event took place recently in Barne Barton in Plymouth where customers spent the day clearing litter from their neighbourhood and planting spring bulbs.
Clean our patch

A great community clean up event took place recently in Barne Barton in Plymouth where customers spent the day clearing litter from their neighbourhood and planting spring bulbs. We provided funding for all planting bulbs and 10 new litter picking kits.

Justine Cheffers, LiveWest Community Connector said: ‘’Our customers said they wanted to be more environmentally aware as part of our Neighbourhoods in Focus project. The litter picking kits will help this community to host these kind of events as and when they want to. Plus the spring bulbs we planted will brighten up Giraffe Park for years to come.’’

El Clarke co-founder of Clean Our Patch said: ‘’Thank you to Justine for joining us at this event and taking part in the bulb planting at Giraffe Park. In total we cleared 136 bags of litter from around Red Brick Field. Justine presented the Barne Barton Ambassadors with litter picking equipment which was kindly funded by LiveWest. This equipment will be used regularly and is really appreciated by the team and will allow this neighbourhood to host monthly litter picks around Barne Barton, providing a cleaner, safer community for everyone. Thank you to LiveWest for supporting Clean Our Patch with this movement which is now spreading across Plymouth.’’