20 August 2024

Artist brightens up Gloucester Court with stunning wall art

Gloucester Court in Plymouth welcomes new wall art and becomes a talking point for the residents.
Local residents and LiveWest colleagues smiling in front of the new wall art.

Working alongside Plymouth Artists Together (PAT), who offer creative art workshops around the area, local artist John Lilly takes pride in adding some colour to the area and residents are delighted with the results.

Our Community Connector for the area, Lorna Turnbull, is thrilled with the project. She said: “This wall art has made such a difference to our residents and the local community.

“The art is so lovely and interesting, and it's definitely become a talking point for the city.”

Painted in a way that has a few interpretations, the artist embraced the feeling of nature he felt from the sea a few miles away.

With the wind blowing through trees and leaves from the sea, the artist believes this interprets the energy that comes from the sea and flows into the heart of Plymouth.  However, some residents have seen the wall art to represent the circle of life and power of nature.

Lorna added: “PAT have a few ideas for the inside walls of Gloucester Court’s car park too which residents can get involved with, which is great.”

Working alongside Community Connector Lorna Turnbull, Housing Officer Anna Widdicome and Estate Officer, Jacquie Williams were also involved in the project.  

Jacquie, is delighted with the project, she said: “It looks amazing and it’s made such a difference to the community."

Anna said: “The wall has been transformed into a beautiful piece of street art. It’s not only attractive for passersby but it also brightens up the area."