Your name
Your address
I am nominating
Who are you nominating?
Address of nominated person or group (if known)
No file chosen
One file only.
16 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png.

Terms and conditions 

This competition is being run by LiveWest Homes Limited of 1 Wellington Way, Skypark, Clyst Honiton, Skypark, EX1 2FZ (LiveWest).
By entering into this competition, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
1.    To be in with a chance of the nominee winning a £50 Love to Shop voucher and a certificate, you must show how the activities of the nominee have benefited LiveWest customers.
2.    There are two categories of nominee:  (i) individuals; and (ii) community organisations.
3.    You can nominate more than one person or community organisation.
4.    If you are nominating yourself, you acknowledge that your entry may be shared on the website or through LiveWest’s own social media channels for promotional purposes including press releases and newsletters. More information about how LiveWest uses information is contained in our Privacy Policy, which can be found at . 
5.    If you are nominating someone else, please include their contact details in your nomination, so we can contact them to get permission to feature their story.
6.    LiveWest colleagues are able to make nominations but cannot be entered or enter themselves.
7.    The prize is as stated and is non-transferable. No cash or other alternatives are available. 
8.    LiveWest reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value. 
9.    The winners will be selected by our InFocus group.
10.    LiveWest reserves the right to amend, modify, cancel or withdraw this competition at any time without notice.

Please note: If the images or stories you send in include people, you are agreeing to publication of these images on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and in other LiveWest materials (including printed documents). We would like to use a selection of materials for public relations purposes and will contact you further about this if your submission is selected. By entering the competition, you agree to the above.  

If you are submitting an image, make sure your photograph is between 1MB and 5MB in jpeg format. 

Entries will be retained for potential display at a later date and may be used digitally online. By entering the competition, you agree to the above.