3 bedroom detached house (Becket)

Traditional from the outside but ideally suited to modern living, the Becket is the perfect family home. The ground floor features a large living room and an open plan kitchen/dining room, offering flexible, sociable, bright and airy spaces. The kitchen/dining room provides direct access into the garden through a set of double doors and an adjoining utility room. On the first floor are three generously sized, bright bedrooms and two bathrooms, located around a central landing. Bright, flexible, and with ample storage, this is the ultimately sociable home which is ideally suited to family life.

Comeytrowe, Taunton, TA4 1EF Orchard Grove -Open Market - Linden Homes
View Development

Mortgage Calculator


Orchard Grove -Open Market - Linden Homes
  • Plot 173 Orchard Grove -Open Market - Linden Homes
  • Plot 189 Orchard Grove -Open Market - Linden Homes
  • Plot 190 Orchard Grove -Open Market - Linden Homes

Typically 5%,

Typically 6.19% based on a 5% deposit (please speak to a mortgage adviser as rates are changing regularly)

A longer term means you pay more interest overall, but the monthly cost is lower

Estimated Mortgage Payment




Plot 173
Plot 189
Plot 190

For more information, give us a call on 01823 711 943