3 Bedroom Semi-detached House

Own a three bedroom home at Orchard Grove from £1099 per month, with just £5,250 deposit!*

*Monthly cost is based on a 30% share at £105,000 with a mortgage rate of 5.89% over a 35 year mortgage term. Monthly cost also includes monthly rent, service charge and buildings insurance. £5,250 deposit is based on a 5% deposit of a 30% share at £105,000. Please contact a member of our Sales team for further details.

Affordability Calculator


Orchard Grove
  • Plot 107 Orchard Grove
  • Plot 124 Orchard Grove
  • Plot 168 Orchard Grove
  • Plot 178 Orchard Grove
  • Plot 179 Orchard Grove
  • Plot 104 Orchard Grove
  • Plot 105 Orchard Grove

Typically 5%,

Typically 6.19% based on a 5% deposit (please speak to a mortgage adviser as rates are changing regularly)

A longer term means you pay more interest overall, but the monthly cost is lower

Estimated Monthly Payment
+ Rent (inc. service charge)
+ Service Charge
+ Buildings Insurance
= Total



For more information, give us a call on 0800 027 9801