tick You said, we did

This label is used for suggestions from our customers which we have implemented.

target You said, we are

This label is used for suggestions from our customers that we are in the process of implementing.

arrow You said, we will

This label is used for suggestions from our customers that we are planning to implement soon.

How this page works

We are listening to your suggestions and acting on your feedback to improve our services.

We are at different stages of implementing the changes suggested by you, so we have labelled each action we are taking as either 'we did', 'we are' or 'we will', allowing you to follow our progress.




arrow You said, we will

You said: That you don’t want any parking charges at any sheltered housing scheme.

We will: not introduce any parking charges at any of our sheltered housing schemes.


arrow You said, we will

You said: We needed to take a localised approach.

We will: Your scheme manager will make local decisions when considering whether to use external parking management companies. They will also make decisions about how ‘short stay’ bays are used. 


arrow You said, we will

You said: parking for blue badge holders is a priority.

We will: work towards providing a minimum of 5% disabled parking bays at all sites, and more than this, where there are enough parking spaces to be able to provide more.


arrow You said, we will

You said: Where waiting lists are working you wanted them to remain.

We will: retain waiting lists for customers who currently have parking spaces, but make a gradual transition away from them, to provide fairer, more accessible parking for our future customers.


arrow You said, we will

You said: Electric Vehicle charging points are not currently a high priority.

We will: not be taking any action on this immediately but will work with our customers on how we can achieve our goals set out in our environment strategy.





man with guide dog

target You said, we are

You said: explore solutions for electric vehicle charging on schemes.

We are: developing an electric car charging policy.

target You said, we are

You said: make sure that customers are aware of the availability and process for parking before they move into their new home.

We are: updating the information available when we advertise a property so that potential customers can make an informed decision before they move in.