You said, we are
You said: that not all of our colleagues update their voicemail or out of office when you are trying to contact them directly.
We are: working with our colleagues to ensure that they keep voicemails and out of office responses up to date. We are also asking colleagues to make sure that customers are made aware of who else they can contact when the colleague is not working.
You said, we are
You said: you aren’t aware of our self-help videos that can help you resolve some issues.
We are: Promoting the videos through newsletters, social media and our website. We are also reviewing the videos with customers to make sure that they are useful.
You said, we are
You said: that we aren’t very clear about what is classed as an emergency repair.
We are: improving information on what is classed as an emergency repair.
You said, we are
You said: use different communication methods to keep customers up to date about what is happening in their neighbourhood.
We are: reviewing the content of our ‘Connecting with you’ newsletter and looking at how we can direct stories to local neighbourhoods.
You said, we will
You said: that you want less text and more video content on our Get Involved webpage.
We will: create and share more videos about getting involved at LiveWest.
You said, we are
You said: investigate the wait times for calls to be answered to understand the reasons behind wait times and look at what can be done to improve them.
We are: currently reviewing our call wait times, the volume of demand from customers, and the reasons for calls. With this information we will be able to create an action plan to improve wait time, where required.
You said, we are
You said: Further educate customers by putting articles on Facebook, the website, and in the ‘Connecting with you’ newsletter, explaining what the out-of-hours service is for.
We are: We do currently have a page on our website about the out-of-hours service, but we will look to increase the information we share about this, and publish it more widely.
You said, we will
You said: LiveWest should explore the benefits of the customer contact centre opening for longer, and repairs being carried out until later in the day and on weekends.
We will: This will be reviewed as part of our operating model, with the most likely timescale for any pilots being during 2024.
You said, we are
You said: not all our customers have access to the internet or the skills to navigate a website.
We are: ensure that there is a paper version of the complaints information for all customers who need it.