Fires started from smoking are one of the most dangerous sources of fire, with fires started from smoking related sources being amongst the most common cause of fatalities. 

Someone will die every six days in the UK from a fire started by a cigarette. One in every five deaths caused by fatal fires start from smoking. 

If you or someone you live with smoke, it is important that you do so safely to protect yourself, your home and anyone else you live with. Take a look at our tips and advice below, including for vaping. 

Avoiding fires started from cigarettes

Cigarettes can be extremely dangerous if not disposed of correctly or safely. Here are some of the ways you can reduce the risk of starting a fire from a cigarette. 

  • It's safer to smoke outside, but make sure cigarettes are put right out and disposed of properly. Smoking outside also helps to keep your home cleaner and healthier. 
  • Never smoke in bed and avoid smoking on armchairs and sofas, especially if you think you might fall asleep.
  • Take extra care when you’re tired, taking prescription drugs or if you have been drinking alcohol.
  • Use proper ashtrays, which can’t tip over and stub cigarettes out properly.
  • Don't balance cigars or cigarettes on the edge of an ashtray, or anything else – they can tip and fall as they burn away and cause a fire.
  • Don’t leave lit pipes or cigarettes unattended. 
  • Always empty ashtrays carefully. Make sure smoking materials are out, cold and preferably wet them before throwing into a bin, never using a wastepaper basket.
  • Lighters are safer than matches, as a dropped match can start a fire. Keep matches and lighters out of children’s reach and buy child resistant lighters.
  • Never smoke if you use healthcare equipment like medical oxygen or an air flow pressure relief mattress. If you use paraffin-based emollient creams, ask for non-flammable alternatives instead.  
  • Vaping is less harmful than smoking but they are not risk free and still need to be used safely. Please see our section below on vaping and e-cigarettes for more information. 
  • Test your smoke alarm regularly (at least once a month) and report any issues immediately to us. Working smoke alarms save lives.
  • Consider arranging a home fire safety visit with your local Fire Service

Vapes and e-cigarettes

Whilst vapes and e-cigarettes do not carry the same fire risks as cigarettes, they do carry their own dangers, which include being counterfeit or faulty, or through charging. Take a look at our advice on some of the different dangers below. 

  • Batteries can cause explosions if they come into contact with metal items, for example keys or coins, so be sure to keep these away from each other. 
  • Keep spare batteries out of reach of children and in a secure case to avoid accidental contact. 
  • Don’t mix a battery from one supplier or product with a charger from another.
  • If your battery is damaged in any way or you suspect it is faulty, replace it immediately. 
  • Ensure batteries are disposed of correctly. If you are not sure on where or how to dispose of yours, your local authority should be able to advice. 
  • Only use the charger that came with your vape or e-cigarette. Never charge your vape with a phone, tablet or any other charger.
  • Don’t leave your vape on charge overnight, and ensure that is regularly checked when on charge. 
  • Unplug your vape once it’s fully charged. 
  • Charge your vape on a clean, flat surface, away from anything that could easily catch fire, and somewhere you can clearly see it. If left on the sofa or a pillow, for example, it is more likely to overheat or get switched on accidentally.
  • Only buy vape equipment and chargers new, from reputable sellers. Second hand or counterfeit equipment may be dangerous.
  • Make sure that you are only using the battery that came with your vape. 
  • Only buy batteries from reputable sellers to ensure they are safe. 
  • Carefully read and take note of the safety instructions provided by the manufacturer. 
  • Be aware of any safety markings on your vape. 
  • Keep your vape away from extreme temperatures, such as direct hot sunlight or in a car during freezing weather overnight. 
  • Consider using vape devices with safety features, such as protection against over-charging, firing button locks and vent holes. It is also important to ensure these safety features are not removed or tampered with. 

Other related safety information

Your safety

For more information on how to stay safe in your home, visit Your Safety.