Energy performance

This includes the heating efficiency and performance of your home.

We are responsible for this

What is an EPC rating?

An EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) gives homes a rating from A to G, based on how energy efficient they are. Homes rated A are the most energy efficient, and homes rated G are the least energy efficient.

EPC ratings are based on two things:

  1. How much energy your home uses per m2.
  2. How much carbon dioxide your home emits per year.

How do I find out what my EPC rating is?

You may be able to find out what the most recent EPC rating for your home is on the Government website

However, you should be aware that an EPC rating is only as accurate as when it was completed – we may have completed additional works on your home to improve the EPC rating following the previous assessment, so the rating you see may no longer be accurate.

We arrange for our homes to be EPC rated before they are let. Over the next few years, we will also be assessing any properties that we believe are likely to be below EPC C, where there is either no current EPC rating or the EPC is very old. If your home is one of the homes that we will be assessing, we will contact you. 

Currently, customers cannot request an EPC assessment from us. 

How can I improve the energy performance of my home?

If you rent your home:

We are committed to improving the energy performance of our existing and new homes. This runs alongside our core ambition to support our customers and address fuel poverty.

As part of this commitment, we are targeting for all our existing rental homes to reach an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of band C and above by 2028. 

If your home does not meet this energy efficiency standard by 2028, we will contact you to discuss planned improvement work. 

Please do not carry out any work yourself, as this is our responsibility. 

If you would like to discuss the energy performance of your home, please contact us to find out more about our plans. 

Find out more about improving the energy performance of your rented home.

If you are a shared ownership customer:

Find out how to improve the energy performance of your shared ownership home.

Please be aware that as LiveWest is the freeholder of your shared ownership property, you must contact your homeownership officer first, to obtain permission to have any work carried out.  

Please also be aware we won’t coordinate or organise any home improvement work for you. 

Your homeownership officer can provide you with information about our sustainability plans and the approval process for this work. Click here to find and contact your Homeownership Officer.

Next steps

After reporting this to us, using the online form below, we will come back to you to arrange an appointment with any next steps.

Address of Repair

Address of Repair

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e.g. any information that could help us solve your issue.
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