25 February 2022

We join with eleven organisations to hold a jobs fair to help people back into work

LiveWest will be coming to Cornwall to support people with their employment opportunities
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A jobs fair with eleven employers backing it is coming to Cornwall to help support people secure employment.

Following the success of the first SILK programme, run by LiveWest involving workshops providing people one-to-one and group work, the project has continued and will now offer people work opportunities in the local area with a job's fair. 

Part of this job's fair will be the Building Futures partners, Ocean Housing and Coastline, as well as other local employers where people will be able to find more information and ask questions. 

The jobs fair will be from 10 am to 2 pm, on Thursday 3 March at Shire House, Bodmin, PL31 2DQ. It is open to members of the public and all are welcome to come along.

Our Support Worker, Tania Purdie, said: “We’re excited to be able to offer this to the area. We would really like people to make the most of this opportunity and we hope they can take something useful away from it.

“This is running off the back of the SILK programme designed to enable people to get back into work and address barriers potentially hindering employment opportunities.

“Our Building Futures team are taking this further along with a variety of employers who have come together to support you if you’re unemployed. The European Social Fund has helped fund this so people who don’t really know what they want to do or are struggling to find work have the chance at exploring this.”

Two of the participants will be serving tea and coffee and the Building Futures team can help people explore a number of things like options with going into work, education and training opportunities and introduce people to the local employers. 

Tania added: “It’s going to be great to meet people in the area and find out how we can make employment easier for them. Being able to offer this in person is really lovely and hopefully give those who are keen to look at their future the people who are best to talk to for that.”

If you have any questions, please email: Tania at Tania.Purdie@livewest.co.uk