16 November 2023

We have released our latest annual report for customers

Our annual report reviews the work we have been doing for customers from April 1 2022 to March 31 2023
LiveWest customer and colleague talking.

We are delighted to have released our most recent customer annual report.

Included in the report is how we have been delivering services for customers. There is an update from our Repairs team, our latest work providing supported housing, what we have been doing to help customers with tenancy sustainment, and exciting news of how we have been investing in community projects across the region. We also give an update of what we will be focusing on over the next three years.  

James Reseigh, Director of Neighbourhoods, said: “This provides you with an insight into many of the wider activities across LiveWest, along with an update on how we have performed over the last 12 months.

In a year where there has continued to be economic and political uncertainty, we have maintained our support for customers through our Tenancy Sustainment team and this has been pivotal in supporting our customers who are facing the challenges brought about by the cost of living crisis. This report highlights some of the support and advice we have provided. 

We know how important maintaining a high-quality repairs service is to customers and, whilst we have seen a further year of high demand for repairs, the benefit of having more repairs delivered by our own LiveWest Maintenance team has allowed us to resource accordingly and improve the length of time it takes to complete a repair. This has helped our Repairs team receive higher levels of customer satisfaction this year.

I would once again like to thank you for your ongoing support throughout the last year and please do talk to us if you would like to get more involved as a customer or need any help or advice.”

Read our customer annual report for 2022 to 2023