28 November 2023

We are carrying out research to learn more about our customers

You may receive a call in November 2023 as part of a survey to help us understand more about our customers.
LiveWest colleague talking to a customer using a headset.

During November 2023, we are carrying out research with IFF Research to understand more about the lives and experiences of our customers.

Some of our customers will receive a call and be asked to take part in a telephone survey, which will be used in our upcoming Slice of Life report. 

Why are we carrying out this research?

This research is an opportunity to learn from our customers about their lives and experiences. A key aim for this research is to get a clearer understanding of our customers and the challenges they are facing, so that we can focus on making improvements to help. 

This is the third time we have carried out this research, publishing our first Slice of Life survey in November 2020. You can view the previous editions on our website. Using the feedback provided previously we have focused on providing support, such as dealing with loneliness and isolation, initiatives to build digital confidence, and supporting with the cost of living crisis. 

Who will call?

We are working with IFF Research, who will be carrying out the survey during November on our behalf.  To reach as many customers as possible IFF Research may call between:

  • 9am to 7pm from Monday to Friday.
  • 11am to 4pm on Saturday.

Any calls for this survey will come from 0203 148 7645. 

You may have previously spoken to IFF Research if you have been contacted to give feedback on a service such as a repair you have had, we have a useful FAQ about these calls here.

The research is completely voluntary, so if you do not want to take part, please just let IFF Research know when they call you. If you do decide to take part all information given will be kept confidential.

What will IFF Research ask me?

IFF Research will ask you questions about a number of topics, including: 

  • Your local area and community.
  • Your experience around finances.
  • Your current employment status.
  • Your experience and use of digital communication.
  • Your views on building new homes. 

We recognise that some of these topics are very personal to you and that is why we have asked IFF Research to keep your responses completely confidential.

However, if there are any questions which you would prefer not to answer please let the caller know. We will not include anything in our reports that could personally identify an individual.

How long will the conversation take?

The conversation should take no longer than 15 minutes.

If you have any further questions about the research please email the Research and Insight team on surveys@livewest.co.uk.