25 May 2023

Understanding how we use customers’ personal information

We have recently updated our privacy notice, which explains how we use customers’ personal information.
A LiveWest colleague using a laptop.

To help us give customers the best service possible, we collect some personal information about customers. We have recently updated our privacy notice, which explains how and why we collect data, as well as how we look after it. 

We understand our customers have different circumstances, so we have also published a range of privacy notices depending on the service they receive from us. This includes if renting a home, a garage, live in sheltered or supported accommodation, or are under 18. Read our main privacy notice and specific notices here.

Why do we collect data or information about customers? 

We collect personal information so that we can provide a high-quality service to customers as their landlord. There must be a lawful reason for us collecting any personal information, which you can read about in our privacy notice

Some of the information we may hold about customers includes their name and contact details, equality and diversity information such as disability, and details of their rent account. 

This data can be collected in several ways, for example when letting or buying a LiveWest home, when contacting us or from customer research we collect. 

How do we use customer data?

We only use customer data when it is necessary, and it is only accessed by colleagues who need to use it to provide a service. We may also share customer information with other organisations or companies when there is a need to do so, for example local authorities for council tax purposes. Read about why we may share information in our privacy notice

What control do customers have over the data and information we hold? 

Customers are protected by the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), normally known as GDPR. 

These protections mean customers can request different things relating to their personal information. These include accessing the data held about them and asking for it to be deleted or updated. 

Read more about your rights relating to your data and personal information

If you have questions about your personal information, please get in touch with the Data Protection team by email using data.protection@livewest.co.uk or by calling on 0300 123 8080.