Customer Announcement
Please use our customer portal for non-emergency repairs.

Our Customer Service Team are currently experiencing a high volume of calls due to the weather conditions. We are working to get through to you all as soon as possible. Please use our customer portal to report non-emergency repairs.

A home for everyone
25 March 2019

Top tips for keeping on top of your rent

A look at some tips for keeping on top of your rent
Top tips for keeping on top of your rent

Top tips for keeping on top of your rent

We know you understand the importance of paying your rent in full and on time. We also understand that sometimes this can be difficult to do. Here are some tips for keeping on top of your payments. 

  • Pay by direct debit or standing order. You won’t have to remember to pay the rent – it’ll happen automatically. Just make sure you have enough in your bank or credit union account to cover it 
  • If this isn’t for you, put an alert in your mobile phone or calendar to remind you when to pay your rent 
  • Get ahead with your rent by overpaying when you can afford it. Building a small credit on your rent account will act as a cushion during weeks when money is tight
  • Keep on top of your benefits. Make sure they’ve been paid in full and on time. If your circumstances change, tell the benefit provider straight away to avoid having an overpayment taken away later. Websites like Turntous ( provide simple benefit calculators where you can check what benefits you are likely to get. This can help you work out what contribution you will have to pay to your rent 
  • Check out our top tips for budgeting and saving money. Our residents tell us that budgeting is key! 

Talk to us straight away if you’re struggling. Like you, we struggle with money too sometimes. We’re here to advise and support you, and help you get back on track as quickly as possible. 

How we can help

When we contact you about your rent, please don’t ignore us - we want to help.  Find your Income Officer

We can:

  • Visit you and help you complete a budget planner
  • Offer you benefits advice and ensure you’re getting the help you are entitled to
  • Agree on a realistic repayment plan if you’re behind with your rent
  • Refer you to an Tenancy Sustainment Officer for further support and help
  • Look at other ways to reduce your rent costs, like moving to a smaller home
  • Help you find other agencies that can help, like money or debt advice services, or the Citizens’ Advice Bureau.