27 October 2020

Proud to help fund two new community noticeboards

We are delighted to open new community noticeboards in Tavistock, Devon
Tavistock noticeboards

We are delighted to open new community noticeboards in Tavistock, Devon which we helped to provide funding for.

The much needed noticeboards will be managed by Greenlands Tenants and Residents’ Association to ensure that community information and events are shared with the local community, rather simply online. 

The noticeboards were funded by a Localities Grant from Cllr Debo Sellis, Devon County Council for £900.

We provided funding of £546 to have both noticeboards installed and we will be taking ownership of them so they can be covered under public liability insurance.

Alison Knight, LiveWest Community Connector said: “We are mindful that some people are not online and aren’t able to access this kind of information. To ensure we are inclusive, we felt that the noticeboards would be a great way to share local news with everyone.”

“We have also worked with the local residents’ association to revamp the play spaces in Greenlands by putting in new goals and basketball hoops. We have also repaired picnic benches and gates as well marking up car parking spaces in the Tamar Avenue Car Park and replaced garage doors by the play area.”


Please note: the person not wearing a mask in the above image has a medical exemption.