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A home for everyone
28 April 2021

Planting event enjoyed by community in Newquay

Our Community Investment team work at the heart of our neighbourhoods and we took great delight in helping children in Newquay to start creating an edible landscape
Planting in Newquay

A planting event was the starting point for creating an edible landscape for a block of 30 flats in Newquay.

Our Customer Investment team supplied two custom-made planting troughs following requests from families at Hawke Close for a ‘growing space’ to give children the opportunity to raise seedlings and home-grown vegetables and herbs.

Mai Evans, one of our Community Connectors, sourced some locally-made large wooden trough-planters to be used as raised beds.

She also supplied a variety of plants and seeds to help the children grow their own herbs, edible flowers and vegetables.

The event was part of our drive to promote a healthy approach to food and increasing community spirit and neighbourhood pride in our communities.

All of the families had a great day and it also gave us the opportunity to listen to their views on their neighbourhoods and act on them.

Mai Evans said: “This has been a long time in the planning but once lockdown was eased, I was able to plan an afternoon of planting where groups of up to six took it in turns to plant up the two troughs and also sow sunflower seeds to take home.”

“It was great to see the enjoyment and keen interest of young people and hopefully they will tend the crops and enjoy some fresh, tasty treats later in the year.”