23 November 2023

Peter and Anita are delighted with our work to make their home warmer for winter

Anita and her husband, Peter feel more at ease with their electric bills now their home is more energy efficient.
Peter and Anita outside their home in Devon.

We have fitted solar panels, new insulation, extraction fans, efficient heaters, and a smart meter in their bungalow as part of our Cby28 retrofit project.

We have invested £48m to improve the energy performance for 8,000 of our lowest energy performing homes and reduce the energy costs on homes like Anita’s.

We want these homes to an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C by 2028, two years before the government’s deadline as part of our plan to be net zero by 2050.

Since the work was completed, Anita has become fascinated with her new smart meter and is delighted with the amount she can potentially save.

Anita said: “We are very pleased with LiveWest. We are very lucky to be having it done. I am so pleased with it all… if anything happened, they were here to help right away. 

“All the workers were lovely. We are just waiting to see what the winter brings with the new heaters and the insulation.”

Peter added: “We have been those people that have sat on winter nights with blankets on our legs because we have been afraid to put the fire on an extra 20 minutes to warm the room up. 

Peter and Anita sat in their garden smiling with a LiveWest colleague.

“Now, to have the panels that are helping, the insulation that is helping and the wall heaters that are top of their game, the bigger picture is hopefully we won’t be scared of receiving our bill and that’s all down to the people at LiveWest.

“We get emotional about it because it doesn’t seem a few years ago that we were living in a caravan and struggling health-wise but here, the future for our health is so much brighter and that’s all to do with LiveWest.

“It is priceless to us. We don’t have to worry anymore. If it is winter and we need to put the fire on for a little longer, we are going to do it.”

She even admits the solar panels have altered her daily routine as she tries to become more efficient with her electric. This includes doing her washing and tumble-drying during daylight hours.

Anita said: “I cannot always put my washing on the line, so I rely on my tumble dryer. Before we had our smart meter and solar panels, I used to worry but they do not take much electricity at all!

“I am disabled, and my husband has been a bit poorly so we keep an eye on it because the electricity can be a worry."

With the smart meter to hand, Anita now feels reassured about her energy consumption and how her home uses less electricity than she thought. 

“I think we have only had one day where we have used two pounds… I am always looking at it,” she smiled. 

Peter and Anita's bungalow in Devon.


The Carters, who are based in Devon, have lived in their home since 2012 and are really pleased with the transformation.

They are very happy with the amount of work done on her home and the “wonderful” support we have given during the process. 

She said: “People say ‘don’t turn that on because it will cost you an arm and a leg’ but when you watch what you are doing and doing it at the right time of day, it is very good.”

She confesses she even looks at the smart meter whilst flicking on the kettle and has highlighted how the works have made a huge difference in her home. 

“We keep checking on how much electric we are using. It is really quite fascinating,” she smiles.

The couple note that between her two new electric fans and her new insulation alone, she already feels the difference on gloomier days. 

“It’s nice in here, even on the coldest and wettest days.”