8 September 2020

Our customer scrutiny group InFocus moves online

Since March, all meetings have been held online, using the virtual platform, MS Teams, resulting in many benefits.
InFocus using MS Teams for their meeting

InFocus, is our customer scrutiny group which consists of a dedicated group of customers who review our services. The group reports recommendations to our Customer Services Committee. This ensures that we continue to improve and keep our customers at the heart of everything we do.

Before lockdown, the group discussed issues via an online network, and met occasionally.  Since March, all discussions have moved online, with meetings being held on the virtual platform, MS Teams which has resulted in numerous benefits for the group.

InFocus Member Barbara said: ''I don’t mind the digital meetings as my health doesn’t allow me to travel as much as I did.''

Projects that the group have worked with us on include our Customer Engagement Strategy and our Customer Services Strategy.  

InFocus Member, Liz, highlighted the benefits of being able to connect with colleagues and customers online.

Liz said: ''I am finding these online meetings an excellent way of meeting up with fellow tenants. It has put names to faces. These meetings  give us the opportunity to ask questions, listen and get immediate responses.''

Currently a small subgroup are carrying out an in depth review of our tenancy agreements, including how they are managed and enforced.  

In August, the group spoke with our Director of Neighbourhoods, James Reseigh, and Policy Officer, Jackie Murch, to review our policies, alongside current guidance.  

InFocus member Eileen summed it up when she said, ''Brilliant meeting, I enjoyed it!''

If you want to help improve services; InFocus might be the group for you. Get involved and sign up to join us here