Customer Announcement
Please visit our Customer Portal for non emergency repairs.

Our Customer Services team are experiencing a high volume of calls. We thank you for your understanding if our response time is higher than usual. Please visit our Customer Portal for non emergency repairs, or try calling again later this week. 

A home for everyone
25 April 2023

Our customer feedback group welcomes new members

We are excited to welcome our new Chair and Vice Chair to our customer feedback group, InFocus.
James and Martin

Our customer feedback group, InFocus, work in partnership with the business to help make sure our customers’ priorities are heard and acted upon. 

The group review our performance and focus on key issues for us to address. They act as a sounding board for proposed changes to service delivery and policies, and help identify what services our customers value. They also identify and celebrate what we are doing well. 

In the last 12 months, InFocus have helped shape:  

  • Our Customer Services strategy. 
  • Our approach to communicating the 2022 rent review to customers.
  • Our Housing Ombudsman Complaints Handling self-assessment.
  • Our updated Tenure policy. 

Now, we are pleased to announce that two members of the group have been formally elected as Chair and Vice Chair. 
James Masters, a LiveWest customer from Plymouth, has been elected as Chair of InFocus. 

Prior to being elected as Chair of the group, James supported InFocus in presenting reports to the LiveWest Board, leading members of the group through reviews, representing the group at external conferences, and helping to recruit new InFocus members. Now, James will lead the group.

James Masters

We are also excited to welcome our new Vice Chair of InFocus, Martin Grimmer, who has already been busy with James, co-writing the latest service review report for the board. 

Martin, from Tavistock, is new to the group. A LiveWest customer with extensive experience in property management, Martin will support James in leading the group. 

Martin Grimmer

Over the next few weeks James and Martin will be busy meeting and welcoming new members to InFocus. 

Following a review of how we manage LiveWest neighbourhoods, they will also be sharing a report on their findings and making recommendations to the business on how LiveWest can improve customer satisfaction within neighbourhoods and estates. These recommendations will also be shared with a wider group of customers, Friends of InFocus, who have recently joined the group to ensure the feedback is representative of all LiveWest customers. 

We wish both James and Martin luck in their new roles. 
To find out more about InFocus, visit our Get involved page. On the page you can meet our InFocus members and apply to join the group

If you would like to get involved but do not have much time to spare, you can support InFocus by signing up to be a friend of the group. 

As a friend of InFocus, you can support the group by sharing your experiences of services with them, and by commenting on their reports and recommendations. Find out more on our Get involved page.