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A home for everyone
6 December 2021

LiveWest teams up with Argyle Community Trust to offer free football coaching sessions for Plymouth youngsters

Local children in Plymouth have been given the opportunity to keep active in the lead up to Christmas with the help of Premier League Kicks football coaching sessions delivered by Plymouth Argyle Community Trust.
Foxfield Close sports sessions

With customer wellbeing high on LiveWest’s priorities it is hoped that the free football coaching sessions hosted every Wednesday evening in the multi-use games area of Foxfield Close Plymouth will enhance community health and wellbeing in young people through the darker Winter months.

LiveWest is working with Argyle Community Trust to deliver the sessions with the aim is to inspire children and young people to achieve their potential and improve their wellbeing; working together to build stronger, safer and more inclusive communities.

Alice Young Inclusion Officer at Argyle Community Trust said: “Argyle Community Trust are delighted to have the support of the local housing association LiveWest enabling us to provide this opportunity to young people in the Efford and Foxfield area.”

“The project is about getting our young communities active and helping wellbeing whilst cutting crime and anti-social behaviour in the various communities it’s delivered in, the project is developed in partnership with the Youth Service and Devon & Cornwall Police. With over 15 years of delivery, working in communities to inspire and engage thousands of young people, PL Kicks uses the power of football and the value of sports participation to help youngsters in some of the most high-need areas.”

“By engaging young people in constructive activities, mainly football as well as basketball, dance, personal development sessions, leadership and education courses and qualifications. This project has allowed many participants to find routes into education, training, and employment with volunteering and youth voice being a key component.”

Justine Cheffers, Community Connector at LiveWest, said: “Our customers’ wellbeing is important to us. During the past months of lockdown, many people have taken to engaging with the outdoors but for those without access to green spaces, organised activities in communal areas and shared green spaces have been a blessing.  The communal areas in Foxfield Close are really important to residents, allowing them to socialise outside and enjoy the fresh air and LiveWest funding the football coaching sessions will help towards creating an even more sustainable and healthy community.”

“The sessions have come about in response to community research to find out what activities the young people from the area wanted to take part in, there was an overwhelming response that they wanted structured sports session and as this is one of our Neighbourhoods in Focus we are delighted to support this for the young people here.”

During Summer the sports sessions proved popular with over 70 young people from the Foxfield Estate joining. Anyone interested in coming along to the winter Premier League Kicks coaching should come along to Foxfield multi use games area on Wednesday’s evenings. 

For more information you can contact Justine Cheffers Community Connector at LiveWest on