Customer Announcement
Please use our customer portal for non-emergency repairs.

Our Customer Service Team are currently experiencing a high volume of calls due to the weather conditions. We are working to get through to you all as soon as possible. Please use our customer portal to report non-emergency repairs.

A home for everyone
17 October 2019

Joining forces with partners to create new job opportunities for customers in Barnstaple

We have joined forces with a number of local organisations and charities to celebrate the launch of a new job club for the Barnstaple community.
Barnstaple Job Club

We have joined forces with a number of local organisations and charities to celebrate the launch of a new job club for the Barnstaple community. It offers a drop-in support service for people who are seeking work, or advice around careers, training, volunteering or improving IT skills. One of the many advantages of the Work Club being linked with local support organisations is that anyone can come along and find out how to get involved in volunteering work or find out about some of the incredible support that is offered to individuals and families.

Our Community Connector, Guy Braga said: “As a large provider of homes in the area we want to increase the access to opportunities and employability services for LiveWest customers and the wider community. “This service is available to anyone over 16 who is looking for work, however in addition, LiveWest customers will be able to access ongoing one-to-one support and can apply for bursaries to help them further. Thank you to Alabare for providing food, Libraries Unlimited, CSW, Learn Devon, Cosmic, Intagr8, DWP for support in setting up this service.”

Jude Jeal, Barnstaple Library Centre Manager said: "The official launch that took place earlier this month had a real buzz and great community and partnership feeling. I am so pleased the library is the venue for the Work Club in Barnstaple as it is the ideal place to bring all these partners and people together.”

Important local community organisations including Devon County Council’s adult education service, Learn Devon, Libraries Unlimited, CSW Group, Cosmic, PLUSS, IntraG8, JCP and representatives from Department of Work and Pensions have all been involved to get the service up and running and are committed to making it a success for the people of Barnstaple and the surrounding areas.