10 October 2018

John helps give tenants a voice

Plymouth resident John Buxton has taken volunteering to a new level.
John Buxton pictured

Working in the face of health adversity, he has achieved many things as a member of the Mount Wise Resident Association.

John has been trained by LiveWest staff to become a community link, which aligns with the focus of Housing Day today – the importance of tenant voice in helping communities thrive.

His essential role is ensuring tenants have more of a say on how services are run help shape the neighbourhood.

John’s community directory for new residents has proved a huge hit in helping to signpost all the things you want to know when you move into a new property.

By providing contact details for their local doctor and dentist as well as details of their local bus services and location of the nearest supermarket ensures a seamless introduction to their new home and puts residents at ease.

John helps to produce the residents’ newsletter and organises community events to ensure everyone has that sense of belonging. It is all about fostering community spirit and cultivating a positive living environment.

He is someone desperate to help the community and the impact he has made has been hailed as “inspirational”.

LiveWest Involvement Pathway and Resident Engagement Team Leader Debbie Sims said: “John has made a real difference to his community.

“He doesn’t want rewards, he just wants to give something back to the community.

“He gets involved in a number of areas and his help has been inspirational. It does make a real difference to the residents.”

John added: “All of this has made me a better person as I like helping people.

“I would like to thank all of the staff at LiveWest for their kind help.”