2 July 2020

Isabella's apprenticeship gives her the best of both worlds

Isabella's apprenticeship has helped her to gain real life experience as well as a qualification.
Isabella Beard

We sat down with Isabella Beard, Apprentice Administrator - Income and spoke to her about her experience as a LiveWest apprentice.

Isabella said: ''I had been looking for the apprenticeship for a while, as I wanted to gain varied knowledge through both a course and a job role, this is something that LiveWest had to offer and I really liked that my course was on a Business Administrator curriculum.

''Whilst I was researching, I saw that LiveWest was well respected by colleagues and were passionate about apprenticeships. This was key for me as I was looking for a rewarding position within an excellent organisation. 

''My apprenticeship has given me the chance to learn something new every day. I have also increased my knowledge of the housing sector.

''The learning possibilities are so vast within my role, including opportunities for job shadowing and my apprenticeship has shown me that study and work positions can exist successfully.  

''It’s nice to work for an organisation that values its colleagues, this has been motivational. I have also been able to meet with previous apprentices within the organisation from other departments. This has helped me to prepare for my course as well as presentations and interviews. 

''I am really looking forward to progressing my career at LiveWest. The options to move within the organisation are endless as there are so many different types of roles.

''After completing college, I was hesitant about going university, so I held off for a few years but choosing an apprenticeship has been beneficial for me as I have found that I am learning even more whilst working. My apprenticeship has enabled me to gain real life experience as well as a great qualification. LiveWest has been the right career choice for me! ''