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A home for everyone
7 October 2020

Helping our young people to fulfil their potential

As part of World Homeless Day, we are shining a spotlight on young people who have come through our supported accommodation to achieve great things.
Mollen is now at university (pictured)

Three young people from Cornwall who were previously homeless have gone on to secure a place at university.

As part of World Homeless Day on Saturday 10 October, we are shining the spotlight on young people who have come through our supported accommodation to achieve great things.

With foyers across the South West, we offer a wide range of opportunities to help young people purse their goals and aspirations.

Due to political conflict in Zimbabwe, Mollen Ngwenya was living with his grandmother before she died.

With his life at a crossroads, it was then that he decided to head to the United Kingdom at the age of 16.

Having successfully claimed political asylum, Mollen was assigned foster parents in Bodmin.

With a limited grasp of the English language, Mollen’s determination to make a better life for himself remained undimmed and he immediately enrolled on an English functional skills course which enabled him to attend Callywidth College in Cornwall.

Then, at the age of 18, Mollen went to live at Bodmin Foyer where he took part in skill-based learning to help him follow his dreams.

He achieved a Diploma in Business, gaining three merits in his exams, before securing a place at Manchester Metropolitan University where he has embarked on an accounting and business management degree. 

Mollen said: “I was living with foster parents, but I had to move out when I was 18. One of my options was to apply to live at a Foyer.

“It turned out to be a great move. I liked living there and LiveWest helped and supported me brilliantly. Each week they would talk to me about my prospects and plans.

“I was encouraged to follow my dreams and that is when I decided to do a bachelor’s degree.

“When I finish my degree, I am interested in pursuing a career in the marketing industry.”

Jack Brown, who lived at Hendra Lodge, Liskeard and Bodmin Foyer, is another who has flourished after he went from being homeless to starting a creative writing course at Falmouth University.

Despite not completing his A Levels, Jack persistence to gain a place at university paid dividends after he submitted three poems to underline his creative talents.

Now he wants to use his passion for writing to forge a successful career.

Jack said: “Lisa Drummond-Pound at the Hendra Lodge was lovely and people from LiveWest gave me a lot of emotional support.

“I’m living in student accommodation now and my course is going well. I’ve made mates and met good people so I feel it’s going well. 

“A lot of the course is online now, but I will get there. I love writing and have a real passion for books.

“I’m looking forward to getting my bachelor’s degree in creative writing.” 

Nicholas Hoskins was also supported at Bodmin Foyer and was given a LiveWest grant so that he could arrange for some accommodation after securing a place at the Angila Ruskin University in Cambridge.

LiveWest provide opportunities that identify, coach and promote young people’s skills to allow them connect with education, training and employment pathways.

Jenny Endean, LiveWest Young Person Service Development Manager, said: “It’s really so good to hear these amazing stories and achievements. All of us have talent and for some it’s just waiting to be discovered. 

“We are privileged in supported housing to witness these amazing journeys as young people carve out their path. 

“It’s important that we remember exam results don’t define us as a person or indeed our entire future. 

“They are like a set of keys that open some doors more easily than others. Mollen, Jack and Nicholas are great examples of what happens when you don’t give up and believe in yourself.”