25 August 2020

Grant to help food initiative support our residents

As part of our community support for residents, we have stepped in to help a food project in Exeter who cater for families in need.
Exeter Hot Food Project

We have taken steps to ensure our residents have access to nutritious meals by partnering with the Beacon Centre, Exeter.

In previous years we have helped the centre hold family activity days during the summer holidays to ensure families are well catered for.

Because of Covid-19 restrictions, the centre is not able to open in the same way but the economic impact of coronavirus means some families still need support. 

So we have given a grant towards a new community freezer which will allow the centre to store food as they work with the Exeter Hot Food Project – an initiative designed to provide a hot meal three times a week for families in need.

Lesley Browne,  one of our Community Connectors, said: “We recognise that a healthy diet contributes to wellbeing and general health.

“Having worked with the Beacon Centre for several years, we wanted to continue to provide support even though the activity days were unable to take place because of Covid-19.

“So we looked at ways to help community organisations to be better placed to respond to the needs of the communities in which they are working in.

“By giving the Beacon Centre a grant for a giant freezer meant they were able to store food in batches and make it easier for them to help support this community project.

“We have around 150 of our homes in that vicinity, some of whom have been able to benefit from this fantastic project.

“As a housing organisation with a strong social purpose, we have developed a number of support measures for our residents since the outbreak of coronavirus.”

Kate Galliford, Beacon Community Centre manager, said: “We are very grateful to LiveWest for the grant which has enabled us to buy a much-needed chest freezer. It’s made a big difference.

“It’s great working with Phil Hampton, who’s running the Exeter Hot Food Project and all the amazing volunteers across the city to make this happen. 

“We provide storage for the project and the chest freezer has transformed the way we work, enabling us to store a batch of pre-cooked meals ready for emergencies when people are struggling.  

“It also means we can freeze any fresh food we don’t use in readiness for the next cooking session.
“Normally during the summer we hold family fun days, providing entertainment and a hot lunch for local families but that’s cancelled due to Covid-19. 

“Instead we’re working closely with the local schools, having weekly meetings with them and they are referring families in need to us; we deliver hot meals to them. We also helping vulnerable adults.
“We now have a closer relationship with the schools and are helping families who might otherwise have found it difficult to come to our family fun days. 

“Providing these meals is hugely important. I think times are going to get harder for some people and harder to get a job. 

“We are so very grateful for the continuing support of LiveWest and Lesley Browne has been amazing. Thank you.”

As part of our community support following the outbreak of coronavirus, we have expanded our grants programme to offer financial support for organisations and community groups providing help for neighbourhoods.

We are inviting applications from charities, residents’ associations, community groups and partnerships who benefit our residents.

If you would like to know more about the ways Livewest can support community initiatives that benefit their residents please visit our grants page.

Please note, the grants we offer are subject to change. To find out what grants are currently available, visit our Grants page.