If you are a LiveWest resident and would like to apply for a home swap (mutual exchange), please complete the form below to request a mutual exchange application pack. If you are not currently a LiveWest tenant but would like to exchange to a LiveWest home, please ask the LiveWest tenant you wish to swap with to request the application pack.

Before applying for a mutual exchange, check the following applies:

  • You have a secure, assured or fixed term tenancy.
  • You rent account is clear and you have no former rent, court costs or recharges.
  • There is no action being taken to repossess your home or enforcement taking place following a tenancy breach.
  • You have reported any repairs to us.
  • Your home and garden are in a clean, tidy and good condition.
  • The people applying to move into your home are suitable for it.

Please note this form is to request an application pack only, which you will need to complete and return to us for your home swap to be considered. It is not an application to swap your home.

Are you a LiveWest customer?
Please tell us about your swap
Please tell us about your tenancy
Are you on a Starter tenancy (you have held a tenancy for less than 12 months, or your Starter period has been extended)?
Is your rent account fully paid up to date?
You are unable to submit and request a Mutual Exchange application pack at this time.
This may be because you are currently on a Starter Tenancy or your rent account is not fully paid up to date.
If you have any further queries about a Mutual Exchange, please feel free to email the Neighbourhood Hub team using neighbourhoodhub@livewest.co.uk.  
Alternatively, if you would like to discuss your rent account in more detail please reach out to your Income Officer. You can find your income officer’s details from this webpage: https://www.livewest.co.uk/my-home/find-my-income-officer.
If you are a LiveWest customer, please tell us about your property